21st - 22nd January 2006 "Danelaw" via Braidwood N.S.W. - 7 Pines/Gaines Mill Re-enactment.
25th-26th March 2006 Drill Weekend - "Pines" Scout Camp Altona, Victoria.
10th-11th June 2006 - "History Alive" Fort Lytton National Park Brisbane Qld
12th & 13th August 2006 Live Shoot Seymour Black Powder Club
30th September - 1st October 2006 - Taminick Military Camp, Taminick via Glenrowan Victoria
8 - 10th December 2006 Christmas Camp at Pines Scout Camp Altona Vic.
January 2007 Co H Dinner and CW Film - Hoppers Crossing
16th -18th February Stonewall Brigade Camp at Stringybark Creek Nth Eastern Victoria
8 -9th April 2007 Easter Cooma N.S.W.- American Civil War Living History Tactical Event
9th-10th June 2007 - "History Alive" Fort Lytton National Park Brisbane Qld
29th June 1st July 2007 Camp Mappo - Via Yarram Gippsland Victoria
8th September 2007 - Diamond Creek Rotary Town Fair.Diamond Creek Victoria
4th - 6th October 2008 -Taminick Camp.via Glenrowan, Victoria.
8th - 9th November 2008 - Holey Plains, Gippsland.
27th November 2008, Company Thanks Giving Dinner at Hoppers Crossing, Victoria.
8th,9th and
10th May 2009 - Camp Stringybark